Patrol Shotgun
Course Details
As is the case for Patrol Rifle, Academy training is no longer offered for Patrol Shotgun. This comprehensive course allows departments to fill the gap. It covers weapon nomenclature, handling and operation, ballistics for buckshot and slugs, malfunction clearance, readiness conditions, shooting positions, transition to handgun and range exercises. The course work consists of a half day of class room demonstration and hands-on practice followed by a half day of range exercises.
As is the case for Patrol Rifle, Academy training is no longer offered for Patrol Shotgun. This comprehensive course allows departments to fill the gap. It covers weapon nomenclature, handling and operation, ballistics for buckshot and slugs, malfunction clearance, readiness conditions, shooting positions, transition to handgun and range exercises. The course work consists of a half day of class room demonstration and hands-on practice followed by a half day of range exercises.
Fee: $500 per day
Capacity: Limits based on degree of involvement of department's own instructors
Instructors: Bruce Blessington
Schedule: By appointment only
Capacity: Limits based on degree of involvement of department's own instructors
Instructors: Bruce Blessington
Schedule: By appointment only
Course Reviews
"Bruce has demonstrated an ability to successfully teach police officers in both a class room setting and hands on."
~Tom Galvin, Chief, Berlin Police
"Bruce has demonstrated an ability to successfully teach police officers in both a class room setting and hands on."
~Tom Galvin, Chief, Berlin Police
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